Wednesday, January 29, 2014


 Emotional Intelligence Cards.  
I got this idea from something I saw on pinterest and tweaked it a bit to fit with my own therapeutic interventions.  They are very kid adn parent friendly and need little explanation.  They are easy to make and customizable.
4 BASIC  FEELINGS CARDS  help kids identify basic emotions.  Each basic emotion can be experienced a varying degrees of intensity.  (Example: Happy= Excited, glad,or content.  Mad= Furious, Grouchy, Upset.)  The ability to identify other emotions besides your basic emotions helps children to truly communicate what they are experiencing.  Communication is always key!!
The ANGER RULES card can be used as a rule of thumb for the child to be reminded of the proper way to behave when they become angry.  This card has postive statements to as remindeders to not engage in physical outburst or negative responses.
RESPECT card is simple.  It provides a lis of respectful behaviors.  This card can be used as a positve alternative to the behaviors listed on the anger card as well as a general rule of thumb. SHOW RESPECT TO EVERYONE :)
ACTIVE LISTENING card  I always talk to my clients about listening with their Whole Body!   I got the idea from a cute Sesame Street video I found online.  It's rather cute honestly.  In the video cookie monster learns to listen with his whole body.   He must remind himself that  to listen with one's whole body means Eyes are Watching, Ears are Listening, Mouth is Quiet and Body is Still & Calm!

VOICE LEVEL card reminds children that if they wish to be heard and to communicate their wants and needs they must attempt to remain as calm as can be.  The first step is to be mindful of their tone.  If a child is speaking calmly they can be heard, which is their ultimate goal!  However, if they scream or cry uncontrollably they will not be understood, therefore, their needs cannot be met.

These can be used at home and in any therapeutic environment.  They are fun to look at and can travel easily for quick reminders in social settings.  I will be adding more to the deck soon.  But for now this is a good start.
     Love It Up!
Ayla V. Expose, LMSW

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ayla,

    Do you sell these cards? If so, where can I buy them!!
