Friday, July 31, 2015

Conversation Starters -Social Skills

              ~~ !!!!! SCHOOL'S BACK !!!!!~~

Ever felt nervous when you first met someone, because you didn’t quite know what to say?  Here is a list of questions to get a good conversation started with a potential new friend. (Kids and teens may wish to practice on their family, friends, pets, counselors, social workers, or therapist, etc.)
    BE PREPARED to have to answer the questions yourself.
If you wish to be creative print out this list, cute each line into strips, ball them up and place them in a bag or box so that you will not know what question  is coming next
1.    Did you have a nickname? How did you get it?
2.  Do you do when you feel anxious? (I.e. nail biting, hair twirling, leg shaking, pacing, etc.)
3.  Do you have a hobby? What do you do in your free time?
4.  For you, what was the worst thing about being a (insert grade or year in school)?
5.  Have you ever committed a RAK? Random Act of Kindness? Explain…
6.  How often do you check your media outlets vine? Instagram? Pinterest? Kick? E-mail? Facebook? Texts?
7.  How would you describe your “style”?
8.  If one of your 5 senses could have supernatural abilities, which one sense would you choose?
9.  If you could be one age for the rest of your life, how old would you choose to be?
10.       If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
11.  If you could choose anyone name 2 people you would take on a road trip.
12.        If you could cure one type of disease, which one would you cure?
13.If you could design the perfect TV channel, what would be on it?
14.        If you could guest star on any Reality TV Show, which one would you choose?
15.        If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what animal would you choose?
16.        If you could have any one super-power, which one would you choose and why?
17.  If you could invent a holiday, what and when would it be?
18.        If you could plan your own birthday part, what would you do?
19.        If you had $10 to spend, how would you spend it? $100? $1000?
20.     If you had a theme song (one that played every time you entered a room), which song would 
    you choose?
21.        If you had a YouTube channel what would you call it?
22.      If you had an unlimited gift card to any store, which store would it be?
23.      If you were stuck on Stranded Island, what are 2 things you would bring with you?
24.      Name 3 tv shows you have recorded on your DVR? Netflix? HULU?
25.      So far who has had the most positive influence on you?
26.     What are 3 qualities you want your friends to have?
27.      What are some positive changes you have seen in your life?
28.      What cartoon character do you most identify with?
29.      What do you plan to do when you graduate?
30.     What do you struggle with the most in life?
31.   What helps you to feel most content or peaceful?
32.      What is one gadget or electronic you’d like to own?
33.      What is one of the most adventurous things you’ve ever done?
34.      What is one regret you have from last week? Last Month? Last year? Your lifetime?
35.      What is one statement that you hope people will say about you when you are no longer    
36.      What is one thing you wish you had more time for in your life?
37.      What is one thing you’ve never done that you would really like to do?
38.      What is some place that you would really like to visit?
39.      What is something you are looking forward to doing within the next six months?
40.     What is something you like about yourself?
41.        What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
42.      What is the most important thing that makes a friendship great?
43.      What is the most recent book you read?
44.      What is the scariest thing you’ve ever seen in real life?
45.      What is your earliest memory?
46.     What is your favorite animal?
47.      What is your favorite ice cream flavor and your favorite topping?
48.      What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
49.      What is your goal in life? Or goals?
50.     What is your least favorite chore to do?
51.         What is your most favorite possessions?
52.      What makes you feel discouraged or insecure?
53.      What one thing would you change about your house if you could?
54.      What songs are on your recently played playlist right now?
55.      What was the worst thing about being in middle school for you?
56.     What would you like for your life to be like 5 years from now? 10 years from now? 50years?
57.      What’s one thing that annoys you about your siblings or cousins?
58.      What’s one thing you like about your Mom?
59.      What’s one trait you admire about your Dad?
60.     What’s the biggest struggle you are facing in life right now?
61.        What’s the furthest place you’ve ever been from your current home?
62.     What’s the most annoying word or phrase your parents or teachers use often?
63.      What’s your dream car?
64.     When is something you must get from the grocery store, no matter what?
65.     When you are surprised with 30 free minutes during the day, how do you spend it?
66.     Where state and city were you born in?
67.      Who do you wish would listen more closely to you?
68.     Who is the most important person in your life?
69.     Who’s someone you admire/respect? Why? (not a family member)
70.     Your first job will be…?

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