Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Super New Year, Super New You!

Super New Year
Super New You
 Happy New Year!
This time of year many choose to make resolutions to change something about themselves or their lives that they are not satisfied with. A new yeara fresh new startperfect timing right? Yet, think about how many of your resolutions you remember following through with in the past.

Every hero has their weaknesses.  For those of us in the school system- or  who work with children and teens- it may be a negative mindset, impatience, rigidness, unrealistic expectations, personal problems, or even compassion fatigue.  We as educators have the responsibility of serving as models on how our students can become the best version of themselves.  Take a moment to think about how each of these weaknesses can stand in the way of you being the best version of YOU personally and professionally.

Some super hero qualifications are (but are not limited to):                                                 
Strength-avoid power struggles. Instead show strength by handling negative situations like a Hero! In the face of danger what would Wonder Woman do? Back down? Complain? Play the Victim? Blame others? She would rise to the occasion and demonstrate her ability to rise above whatever obstacle is placed before her.

X-Ray Vision- See through your enemy.  In the academic setting, we have 2 major enemies: Behaviors and Cognitive Capabilities.  Do your best to see past the student, past their behavior, and discover what lies beneath.  Is it frustration? Boredom? Trauma? Family/Home Life? Is it a legitimate inability to learn in a particular way or setting? Now, problem solve to determine a solution.  If you cannot do so alone, consult with your team. That is why we are here!

Secret Elixir- Refrain from using your poison; otherwise known as negative thoughts, beliefs, language, and messages. Student will become who you expect them to become.  Your secret elixir is your own special concoction of positive messages, energy, and experiences you can feed to your students.

Confidence- If you are not confident in your ability to educate effectively, how can your learners feel confident in their own ability to learn and become successful?  The two go hand in hand. Having confidence means having the ability to handle adversity with poise. 

Empathy- Understanding. Responsiveness. The ability to meet students, clients, co-workers, friends and family where they are at as well as being able to understand that we all have our “stuff” and that “stuff” affects each of us in various ways.  It is up to us as the professionals to identify ways in which we can bring out the best in those we serve.

Generosity- Watching others get into the holiday spirit -giving and being selfless- reminds me of when the Grinch’s Heart grew “3 sizes that day.” In real life- your heart growing 3 sizes is probably something to consult your doctor about but your capacity for doing things for others is endless. Many people seem to think their legacy lives on through the things they have accomplished, achieved, gained, etc. I beg to differ. Your legacy lives on through the lives of those you have come in contact with and influenced in some way. Do you want to leave a legacy of students and coworkers who have gone on to be successful because you were able to inspire them in some way? Being generous does not necessarily mean to give material things. Your form of generosity can simply mean giving it your all when it comes to educating.  Challenge yourself to GIVE a little more encouragement, a little more laughter, a little more inspiration, and a little more compassion.

Creativity- What new ways can you discover to do what you do best? Do a little research. Ask others.  Or even ask your students what would make their academic experience more exciting, fun, interesting or at the very leastbearable!

Light-Heartedness- Learn to laugh. Learn to let go.  Learn to look at the bigger picture. How serious was it really?

Humbleness- Having insight to admit when you do not know something or that you are wrong as well as having the ability to give credit where credit is due, will do a lot for your mental stability. Pride creates a false sense of responsibility to prove yourself and a sense of self-worth that is dependent upon your ability to be the best or to avoid failure. Free yourself of that burden and learn to work as a member of a team whose players all have various skills, strengths, and areas of growth to attribute to the common goal; THE STUDENTS.

Dedication- Above all, dedication to your craft and profession will mean you will do everything in your power to be the best version of you who helps create the best version of them!
What’s your Super Power?

Ayla V. Expose

Friday, August 19, 2016


A Note to Parents:
2016 has been filled with drama and trauma.  Events such as violence, loss of family and friends, as well as the recent natural disasters.  Please use this as a simple reference to take action to protect your child’s mental well-being.  Whether or not your child was directly affected by the flood they may be indirectly affected.  They are aware that it happened.  They may be concerned or worried about family, friends, their schools, and their teachers.  They may also be concerned that it could happen again.
If you notice such symptoms as: worry, anxiety; inability to cope with problems and activities; changes in sleeping and eating habits; aggression; drop in school performance…you may wish to contact your PCP, religious supports, or mental health professional.  The sooner their needs get addressed the better.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Children’s Anxiety Checklist

Children’s Anxiety Checklist
                                      Use The following check list to observe your child. This list should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health. This only a guide/reference. Please seek professional help if you have concerns.
o Constant worry about things that might happen
(What if I fall down again, what if my sister gets really sick again and has to go to the hospital?)
o Anger more often than usual
(He looked at me!! I hate him! Why is he looking at me?!)
o Perfectionism
(balling up a piece of paper because of a simple fixable mistake to redo it.  Upset when something is not done the way they want or expected.)
 o Poor memory and concentration
(forgetting to do a task you told them to do not that long ago, or asking you what you told the child to do more than once, completing a task incorrectly after being provided specific/simple instructions.)
o Aggression (verbal and physical)
(destructive on purpose, hitting, kicking, biting, pushing, threats, etc)
o Pessimistic or negative thinking often
(Mommy might get hurt, my teacher is going to give me an F, What if a tornado comes??)
o Restlessness, irritability, tantrums
(Unable to get a good night’s sleep, upset often over things that may seem silly to you)
o Opposition and defiance
(Refusing to do what they are told, testing boundaries, responding “NO!” often)
o Crying
(again… upset often over things that may seem silly to you)


o Avoidance
(He or she will not go to place, specifically public places or places they have never been to. Scared of new situations) (ex: Excited about a friend’s party until the time comes to go to the party, then refusing to go.)
o Sleep patterns/routine changes
(difficulty falling asleep, trouble sleeping the entire night, nightmares, refusing to go to bed etc)
o Clinginess or fear of separation
(crying, screaming or throwing a tantrum when you attempt to leave, even if only for a moment)
o Procrastination
(“I’ll do it later” “I’ll do it in a minute” “Can I do that tomorrow.”)
o Physical complaints
(stomachaches, feeling tired, headaches, fatigue, sore throat, tightness or tension)
 o Withdrawal from activities and family interactions
(family outings or get-togethers appear to cause uneasiness or stress for the child.)
o Eating patterns/habits have changed
(Hoarding food in room or secret places, won’t eat in front of others, refusing to eat certain types of foods.)
o Over-exaggerating
(I always get into trouble because of other people, I am always last)
o Rigidity and inflexibility, self-criticism, guilty thoughts, etc.
(I can’t do that. No, I didn’t try it but I know I can’t.)

If you have checked 5 or more of these symptoms it may be time for you to seek professional guidance from your child’s primary care doctor for how to proceed with diagnosis and/or treatment.

Your child’s pediatrician may refer you to a specialist for further assessment/evaluation

                                           Miss Ayla Helps Original

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Positivity board

This will serve as a sample for a presentation I am doing for the National Youth Transition Database Reunion Conference I will be speaking at this week.  I will be presenting on being the best woman you can be.

Although I am still a work in progress I do believe that part of being the best version of you includes recognizing your flaws, accepting and embracing then, choosing to focus on your strengths and positive aspects of life.

Therefore I will have participants create positivity or vision boards. They will have the option of creating a poster focusing on positivity or a vision board focusing on goals and aspirations. (My vision board coming soon...that will take a bit more work on my end.)

So enjoy this entry and feel free to Be Positive!!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Dream Catcher

I  found this cool activity somewhere on Pinterest.  I plan to post a finished product within the next 2 weeks.  and will provide a PDF template that can be purchased on my TEACHERS PAY TEACHERS account. 

Basically you will have the participant write down negative thoughts and beliefs in the large circle.  Next he or she will write positive thoughts and beliefs on the outside of the dream catcher.  

You can enocourage creativity by providing craft feathers and beads for the hanging materials on the page.  yarn can be used to represent the rope or string used in an actual dream catcher.  If you are unable to get feathers, yarn, and beads, they can be drawn with different color markers.  

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: How to effectively encourage positive behaviors


Learning how to provide positive reinforcement for your child can help to create a more positive and ideal BEHAVIORS. Teaching your children that there are consequences for every action teaches them how to think and problem solve for themselves when they are out in the world.

·         POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT- Simply means encouraging good behaviors

·         CONSEQUENCES- are the result of a behavior. (whether it was a positive or negative behavior)

·         BEHAVIORS- a person’s actions.  (What he or she does or says)

Think about these POSITIVE CONSEQUENCES (or incentives):
Work = Paycheck    
Sleep = Energy   
Medicine = Feeling Better  
Asking for Help = Receiving Help


  • High 5
  • Encouragement
  • Praise
  • Hug
  • Thumbs Up
  • Clapping
  • Cheering
  • Privileges
  • Rewards

(Privileges may include extra TV or electronics time, later bedtime, choosing what to eat for dinner, etc.)

*POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT may be the most effective
when provided immediately after a desired BEHAVIOR. *

Examples of BEHAVIORS to Reinforce Positively:

Using manners
Playing Quietly
Asking Permission
Playing nicely with others
Helping Others
Making an Effort or Trying
Following Directions Immediately

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT can also be used when a child has not done something correctly. Giving the child praise for what they have done right is more encouraging than putting them down for “failure.”

Example: “I am proud of you for asking permission to eat candy.  Next time can you wait for mommy to finish speaking?”

Example: “I noticed that you picked up some of your toys in your room. I am proud of you for doing your chores.  I see another toy on the floor. Can we put that one with the others?

Thursday, May 5, 2016


I am excited to announce my online store to purchase my workbooks, worksheets, and handouts!  They are all provided in downloadable PDF form. All I ask is that the honor system is respected my hard work is not used for another's profit. 

My work is available on TEACHERS PAY TEACHER & ETSY.  Simply return to my homepage and look at the widget on the upper right corner.  Click it and then SHOP AWAY!!

Thank you so much for your support and remember to refer a friend!
Love Ya!
Miss Ayla